เฉพาะนักเรียนไทยอายุไม่เกิน 28 ปี ที่เรียนอยู่ในออสเตรเลียขณะนี้ ต้องการฝึกงานทำงานที่ออสเตรเลียในสายงานที่เรียนจบมา ตำแหน่งงานที่เปิดรับเดือนกันยายน 2020 มีดังนี้ ผู้สมัครควรมีผลคะเเนน IELTS 6.0
MARKETING, JOURNALISM, AND PR – Part-time or full-time opportunity starting ASAP for 12 to 26 weeks. They have weekly training sessions that also include LinkedIn training and career coaching and interns can take part in their Expert Sessions, Master Classes, and Panel Discussions organized by their company in Melbourne.
HUMAN RESOURCES INTERNSHIP WITH LARGE COMPANY – The purpose of this position is to assist the Group HR team with a number of projects to give entry-level exposure to many components of HR in Brisbane
GRAPHIC DESIGN – FULL TIME OR PART TIME Part-time or full-time opportunity starting ASAP for 12 to 26 weeks. The Company has just re-branded and launched a new website with a completely new look and feel last week and are in the midst of rolling out the new branding, so this is definitely an exciting time for interns. Based in Melbourne.
ACCOUNTING INTERN – The Host Company is in need of an Accounts Intern for a 3-month internship in Melbourne. This company is leading the way to the world of renewable energy, paving the path for a better future for generations to come. They would like to help you advance your career through various opportunities in the host company’s Family. If you want to be a part of their team, they promise to give you every chance to succeed. At the host company, they will show you the ropes, offer guidance, and help you every step of the way.

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