Please Wear Mask & Keep Social Distance เพื่อป้องกันการแพร่กระจายของ COVID 19

ข้อเเนะนำในการใส่หน้ากากจากรัฐบาลออสเตรเลีย: (เเนะนำแต่ยังไม่บังคับเป็นกฎระเบียบ)
Key points
If you are leaving home you should wear a face mask such as a cloth mask or surgical mask if it is difficult to keep 1.5 metres apart from others.
- Wearing a face mask protects you and your community by providing an additional physical barrier to coronavirus (COVID-19).
- Keeping 1.5 metres between yourself and others and washing your hands are still the best defences against coronavirus (COVID-19).
- There are two types of face masks suitable for community use: cloth masks and surgical masks.
- The recommendation to wear a face mask does not apply to children and people aged under 18 years, individuals with breathing difficulties, and those who have physical conditions that make it difficult to wear a face mask.
- There will be no enforcement on the use of face masks. You will not be fined if you don’t wear one.
รัฐบาลออสเตรเลียเเนะนำให้ Download COVIDSafe App The COVIDSafe app is part of our work to slow the spread of COVID-19. COVIDSafe supports the current manual process of finding people who have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19.
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